Chapter three hundred and sixty-seven Spiritual state affairs

When Lingqing came to her senses, it was already a twilight in the East.
He waved the gods back to their places, got up and looked at the rising sun, and his heart fluctuated.
He just combed the druid’s knowledge and information.
It was only after understanding these things that he realized that he had really looked down on Druids for a long time.
This is due to his cognitive problems.
I feel that this druid is not as good as the Innate One True Sutra, and even better than the Immortalization Method.
It’s more because Master said that heresy made him feel uneasy and didn’t study it well.
However, although this bearing is indeed not as good as the innate truth, it is very spiritual and deified
But the space is as big as both.
In addition to the subsequent professional skills and spells 2.
There are also various specialties such as professional expertise and general expertise, various branches of occupations, various association abilities, and various ethnic bloodlines.
Like a giant shelf, they are all sorted and leafed there.
The most important thing is that if he meets the corresponding requirements, all the extraordinary attributes and characteristics can be obtained by himself like practicing magic.
Even the mythical road of the classic Dodge destiny epic was presented to him in a glance.
Since he acquired the druid, he has been able to get a glimpse of it today.
But now these things are just like "A Congenital True Sutra", although they have got a set.
However, it means that druids will have no restrictions on their ability to acquire knowledge in the future.
Doesn’t mean that he can turn his own strength now.
In the future, if you want to make it, you need to sort it out a little and practice it.
Soon a brainwave and Wen Jun two people woke up.
"Master, we are out!"
After breakfast, they talked to him for a while and then went to the city to accumulate merits.
The two children are not like him, and the national prayer is also a kind of merit practice for him.
Therefore, he was not worried about the lack of the method of deriving merit when practicing the Law of Merit and Spirit.
However, in the end, the short practice days and shallow foundation of the two people need a little bit of consolidation by themselves.
It’s just that in the process of accumulating merits and demerits, I realized my own Tao and followed it.
Lingqing sent the two men out of the palace and returned to the bedroom to think about their own practice.
"Now yuan Jing has perfected a congenital stroke.
And the druids have all been enlightened and merged into the innate one.
Now it’s just the law of restraining spirits and transforming gods. "
His spiritual charm, Xuantan Daoji’s Innate One True Sutra, cast the altar, and the method of restraining the spirit and deifying it cast the Druid Road in the middle altar and cast the altar.
Later, he joined the Jade Code of Nine Spirits Living in the Qing Dynasty, but this method needs to lay a foundation.
The real practice is to refine qi until the spirit is refined.
Now, Xuantan Sandao has become two remaining spiritual deification methods, and it will be formed when a group of spiritual gods are sacrificed and refined.
But now there are many spiritual gods, but it is not as good as when I was dedicated to offering sacrifices to the spiritual king.
It will take a long time to get it done.
And this time is also urgent.
The spirit kingdom is still too weak. There is an election in Lingtai, and it is ready to accept the cession of Yi ‘nan by Guo.
However, Lingqing can’t be naive.
Cao Kong would be so willing to watch the spiritual kingdom rise from a vassal country by annexing its own territory.
Besides, he has now been invaded by praying for thoughts, and there is no way to clearly understand the situation of both sides and make accurate judgments.
Lingqing guessed that it would not be so smooth to deliver the goods in Yinan.
Even afterwards, Cao Kong will rise up his national strength to conquer the spiritual kingdom.
But it is also the case with Lingqing Yao.
As the saying goes, a teacher is famous
Sometimes defensive counterattacks are all justified and righteous.
If he dares to play Lingqing, he dares to give him a ride.
Wait another year and a half, when the spirit kingdom has digested Yinan, it will even annex and digest the whole country.
It will also be able to rank in the second echelon of the Seven Warring States.
At that time, if the spirit god can sacrifice and refine successfully, it will be fine. If not …
Hard to Lingqing, you should think of some way to make it become as soon as possible.
"I have now completed the initial selection in five cities.
All the people in China and other countries who have reached the standard of talent selection in GV have been placed in Xiantang outside the city. "
Chaotang Yanru got up first and said
Xiantang is a special place for placement of candidates.
As the name implies, the sage gathers in the hall.
These people will at least get the status of a scholar in the future.
Let the future generations pass, that is, after passing the examination, Gong Sheng and so on, through palace examination, the emperor can be awarded different positions according to his ability.
There is no possibility of the base falling.
"Then this matter will be appreciated by Yan Qing. Let’s take the gv 10 test as soon as possible."

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走进杭州的茶馆,仿佛穿越时空,回到了那个悠闲的年代。在这里,你可以放下繁忙的工作,抛却生活的烦恼,尽情地享受这份宁静与惬意。茶馆的布局古朴典雅,窗明几净,让人瞬间忘却尘世的喧嚣。 欢喜茶馆位于凤凰山路,这里环境幽静,景色宜人。走进茶馆,白色墙、黑色瓦,红色的“欢喜茶馆”四个大字在静谧的夜晚格外耀眼。小石路边花草树木、小竹林,从小竹筒里流水入石坛,清脆的水声伴随着悠扬的琴声,仿佛置身于世外桃源。 一时茶馆则位于灵隐寺旁,这里曾是清朝光绪年间的老宅院,黛瓦白墙,浓浓的岁月古韵。古井、青石砖、竹影海棠窗,中式庭院与日式空间的搭配,十分幽静雅致。在这里,你可以感受大隐隐于市的宁静,也可以聆听寺庙里僧人的诵经声。 杭州的茶馆不仅环境优美,茶艺更是独具特色。福泉茶院位于永福寺内,这里的龙井茶采摘自寺庙自有茶园,有着上千年的历史。每当清明茶季,僧人们都会亲自采摘嫩芽,炒制龙井。在这里,你可以品尝到沾了佛寺仙气的茶香。 除了福泉茶院,杭州还有许多特色茶馆,如太极茶道苑、水丹青、满江红等。太极茶道苑以拼配茶最为特色,水丹青则以其高山绿茶闻名,满江红则以红茶为主,搭配各种茶叶,味道独特。 在杭州的茶馆里,你还可以品尝到各种美食。欢喜茶馆的大红袍红烧肉、一时茶馆的僧人种龙井、福泉茶院的茶点,都是不可错过的美味。在品茗的同时,感受美食的诱惑,让人流连忘返。 杭州的茶馆,是这座城市的文化名片,是人们休闲时光的港湾。在这里,你可以与好友畅谈人生,也可以独自品味茶香,感受岁月静好。当你漫步在杭州的街头,不妨走进一家茶馆,体验这份独特的休闲时光。

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河畔的茶馆,或依水而建,或藏于绿荫深处,每一家都散发着独特的韵味。步入其中,仿佛穿越时空,回到了那个茶香四溢的年代。木质结构的门楣,青砖小瓦的屋顶,斑驳的木门,无不透露出古朴的气息。室内,布置简约而精致,茶具摆放整齐,壶煮茶香,杯盏轻敲,宛如一曲优美的乐章。 品茗时光,从泡茶开始。茶艺师手法娴熟,将一壶清水煮沸,注入茶壶,茶叶在水中翻腾,渐渐舒展开来,散发出诱人的香气。此时,品茗者们围坐一起,或谈论人生百态,或交流茶艺心得,共享这难得的宁静时光。 品茶,先观其色。好的茶叶,色泽鲜亮,形态各异。如碧螺春的翠绿,龙井茶的嫩黄,普洱茶的深红,都是大自然赐予的瑰宝。接着,闻其香。茶香四溢,沁人心脾,仿佛置身于花海之中。轻呷一口,茶水在舌尖舞动,苦涩中带着甘甜,回味无穷。 杭州的茶叶品种繁多,有西湖龙井、碧螺春、毛尖、毛峰等,每一款都有其独特的风味。其中,西湖龙井最为著名,被誉为“绿茶皇后”。其外形扁平光滑,色泽嫩绿,汤色碧绿,香气清高,滋味鲜爽,叶底嫩绿。在品茗时光里,泡上一杯龙井茶,仿佛置身于春天的西湖,欣赏着美丽的湖光山色。 品茗时光,不仅仅是品尝茶叶的美味,更是一种生活的态度。在这个快节奏的时代,人们常常忽略了生活中的美好。而在茶馆里,我们可以放慢脚步,静下心来,感受生活的点滴。茶香氤氲,心灵得以净化,烦恼随风而去。 杭州河畔的品茗时光,让人流连忘返。在这片充满诗意的土地上,茶与生活交织,诠释着一种和谐、宁静的生活态度。让我们放下世俗的纷扰,回归自然,感受茶的魅力,享受这美好的时光。

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