Now what the long-faced monk makes impressively is the second kind!

It seems that the long-faced monk is not prepared to delay and give his best strength when it comes!
Moxiu’s mind flashed through these thoughts quickly, but he didn’t slow down. He shook his hand and shook it half a palm. The small white tower flew out and soared, and the tower was more than fifty feet high and suspended overhead.
This is precisely from Shihao’s flying to win the double tower half. Now Mo Xiuxiu has risen to the seventh floor of the practice period, and the spirit has reached the tenth floor peak terror level, so that this half tower body does not need so much force, not only can it exert 100% power, but also has the spare capacity to urge puppets and sword boxes.
The fluctuation of the powerful spiritual force emitted by the White Pagoda immediately made the face of the long-faced monk sink. He has rich combat experience, so it is easy to judge that what Moxiu is manipulating is a fake treasure!
However, the long-faced monk only pays a little attention to Moxiu, but he is not worried that he will lose. After all, the seven-layer monk can never exert the power of the fake treasure. In his view, the other party can cause himself a little difficulty at most, but there is no chance to defeat himself. On the contrary, he can not only get the elixir but also get an extra fake treasure after defeating the other party.
I am excited to think of these long-faced monks. After all, fake treasures are very rare, and his body is a fake treasure. Nothing else is far from it.
Godsworn long face laughed coldly "hum! Can you resist my attack with a fake treasure? I want to see how powerful you can be! "
"First, let you see a master personally refining the top Daofu Jinteng!"
As the long-faced monk suddenly shoots dozens of glittering giant vines from the thick fallen leaves, each giant vine has a thick waist and a thick face, and its roots are barbed, and its glittering appearance is shocking and abnormal.
At the same time, the surrounding rattan suddenly trembled and then quickly dyed a layer of golden light like golden pythons.
With a wave of his hands, Brother Long-faced shot hundreds of giant vines, large and small, at Moxiu!
Don’t be outdone, Moxiu naturally urged the White Pagoda. The White Pagoda suddenly released a halo and spread around.
After the white halo rattan crashed and collided and made a loud noise, the white light splashed and the rattan was scattered, and both were annihilated.
However, the white halo only wiped out more than a dozen golden vines, and dozens of golden vines remained fierce and rolled towards Moxiu, which made Moxiu’s face slightly changed.
Realize the bonus power of the demon spirit.
You know, the White Pagoda is a fake treasure, and every blow has the power close to the top-level Daoism, and the Golden Tengshu is also a top-level Daoism. Normally, a single blow of the White Pagoda can dissolve the Golden Tengshu, but now the Golden Tengshu only loses one third.
That is to say, the demon spirit has tripled the power of the top Taoism!
What’s more, he has just prompted Baita to continue to release the attack, and it will take a little while, and the attack of Jinteng is just around the corner.
In an emergency, don’t rest, the golden light flashes suddenly, dozens of high-level Taoist symbols are played, and dozens of pure gold giant swords are chopped to the vine, but this is not enough to destroy the vine. After all, it is an added top Taoist method, and now it is only a little delayed.
After Moxiu’s double wrist, he flipped it as quickly as possible, took out the puppet of the beast fighting on all sides, and the jade brand was severely motivated. Then four black lights flashed four times, and the huge puppet was separated in four directions!
In the hands of the method, the jade card was repeatedly played on all sides, which once again prompted the puppet of the beast of World War IV to suddenly open his mouth and at the same time, the whole body fluctuated with huge spiritual force.
I feel that the puppet of the war beast is fluctuating, and the long-faced monk changes color with horror!
It turns out that these are all fake treasures, and it seems that you can easily motivate them by looking at Mo Xiu!
At this time, the puppet of the beast of the Fourth World War suddenly shot out four bright white light beams, which swept the rattan like a gust of wind. After the rattling of the rattan, the rattan broke and the four light beams were castrated and went straight to the long-faced monk!
Friar Chang’s face flashed with horror, and his hands quickly hit a top operator, Jin Teng Fu, and then Jin Teng was erected all over the sky to block the white light beam.
The violent collision resounded through the forest, cutting off the huge wood and sweeping the ground. At one time, the broken branches and leaves flew and the huge wood clicked and fell.
Let the long-faced monk rest assured that his top operator finally blocked four white beams, but before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he waved the white tower with both hands and suddenly white light flashed.
The White Tower re-stores enough energy to release a white halo again!
Chapter ninety Slay Godsworn with a long face
Ps: Sanjiang phase needs Sanjiang ticket support account points of 6,000 points, and there is one ticket for Sanjiang ticket every day for three months at the time of registration. Every vote has ten points. I hope everyone can vote for Sanjiang ticket for Shengzi! Thanks a lot!
This time, the long-faced monk finally lost the confidence to defeat Moxiu. Now Moxiu can control the White Pagoda and four war beast puppets at the same time, and his fighting capacity is almost twice that of him. More importantly, he can take turns to stop the hair, but there are not many top symbols in his body. Just now, if he hadn’t seen Moxiu leaving the White Pagoda, he wouldn’t have waved the top symbols.
But now, even if all his top operators are afraid, they can defeat Moxiu. If they are so hard to carry, they will be afraid of a few, and he will completely melt into a piece of fly ash.
Dare not have a moment of stagnation. Friar Long Face shakes his hand and throws a golden vine. Suddenly, hundreds of golden giant vines dance and smoke hard in the white halo, which makes the white halo crashing and breaking into a piece of spiritual force.
The remaining dozens of golden vines are still bared their teeth and pumped to Moxiu in an undead posture. Moxiu Yiran is not afraid to urge two of the war beasts to shoot two white beams and smash all the golden vines.
Don’t stop looking at the thick fallen leaves, but the figure of the long-faced monk is gone!
Friar Long-faced actually played it by ear, and the soles of his feet were oiled!
However, all this has long been scanned by Moxiu’s wisdom brain. At this time, the position of the long-faced monk can still be grasped in the wisdom brain, just a few hundred meters away, but it is only seen by the thick forest.
In the image of wisdom brain, Godsworn Long-faced kept typing a series of high-level Dao Qian Li Fu with his hands. These Qian Li Fu kept falling on the demon bird bonus and could have several times the speed, so Godsworn Long-faced was extremely fast and ran out of hundreds of meters just in the blink of an eye.
However, Moxiu is not afraid of Friar Longface running away. After all, he still has a fake Baodeng cloud boot, which is several times faster than Friar Longface.

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