Baishi consciousness pulls people, just as the bedroom door is pushed.

There was a lot of noise when the bamboo took Dun and fell down. Later, he shouted a bamboo to take benefits and heard the move.
As soon as she came in, she saw a man holding her thin child in his daughter’s room with one hand, and some blood had been splashed on his clothes.
"You calm down! Don’t hurt me, I’ll give you money! " Bamboo’s eagerness to gain favor is about to faint.
The scene was a little awkward for a while, but soon the small light bulb biu in Baishi brain lit up and remembered several classic pictures in ancient early shadows.
He pulled the bamboo from Dun to the front, and the knife went to the front of the man’s neck, a gloomy way
"I’m your daughter’s suitor, but she turned out to be a pervert who likes women and played with my feelings … only when there are sharks can she dispel my hatred."
Bamboo take graces panic "this this is all born is not wrong! And she certainly didn’t mean to play with you. She is serious about her feelings. There must be some misunderstanding … "
As soon as the first half of the sentence was exported to Baishi, she felt that Takedun was holding his arm and her hand was loose.
Then the girl looked up at the door, arguing that it was "absurd" and "abnormal" for the woman to take advantage of this relationship not long ago.
Baishi is very satisfied with this effect.
Although he doesn’t have any acting lines, he is also trying to make them up, but Zhu Chumei Hui is in a state of mental decline, which is easy to fool.
After all, few mothers can calmly tell the difference between true and false when they see that their children are being held hostage by gangsters.
In her incessant advice, the "gangster" finally thought it over and asked Shiraishi to see Ikeda before releasing him.
Combining what he said just now, the mother and daughter immediately suspected that he was trying to cut Ikeda Zhijia off and vent his anger.
Come to calm down, come to bamboo, and cry and struggle again.
Bamboo graces silence for a long time or grind back to the first floor before words.
When she held the receiver, she was so ashamed that she almost trembled, feeling that she had lost her face and conscience in her life.
But I saw my daughter being dragged by a black dress person next to her … She still dialed the number.
Ikeda Zhijia’s front foot was preached by Takedun’s mother, and he saw Dundun refuse her to move into Ikeda’s family and followed her mother’s head and never looked back.
The mother and daughter have just left, and Takahashi Ryouichi has come to scold her for plagiarism.
At the same time, her brother also slowly analyzed the reason why Takedun was close to her was to make her look good.
"There are not many good novels like this. If you can find a way to sell them, it won’t be too bad. If you have a successful follow-up, it won’t be a problem."
In peacetime, Ikeda Zhijia will think that his brain is overdone.
But think about what happened today, she can’t be sure.
When Takeshi’s mother called, Ikeda Zhijia saw it clearly and showed a buckle.
But soon the words rang again.
After hanging back and forth for two or three times, Ikeda Zhijia finally couldn’t resist picking up the words and wanted to hear how Takenori planned to explain it.
Baishi doesn’t know whether Ikeda Zhijia will come.
Calling her here is a last resort. Actually, he is going to go to the villa to get Takedun’s diary so that Ikeda Zhijia can completely dispel doubts about Takedun’s mind.
However, unexpectedly, Ikeda Zhijia came running after listening to bamboo’s flattery.
She wanted to go alone as Baishi asked, but her brother just called a lot of bodyguards and police.
Baishi took the opportunity to "be defeated and flee" and went to the villa to find the diary as planned.
It wasn’t long before the misunderstanding between the two people was successfully lifted, and they didn’t stop it for various reasons.
Ikeda Zhijia graduated first. She joined a club. She likes paddling, while Zhu Dun continues to write. She loves writing novels, but her style of writing is completely different from before and has become much lighter.
In this issue, Ikeda Zhijia accompanied Takedun to see a psychologist.
Before the sudden suicide, she also scared herself. She didn’t resist it too much, and her family gradually improved.
On the night of Zhu Dun’s graduation, they held a small reception at home, and each of them prepared a ring.
The black cat lying next to the cushion suddenly sat up and looked around when the ring was placed on the other finger.
The scene in front of me is like a painting that has been soaked in water and faded.
After a burst of dizziness, Baishi regained his emptiness.
Gradually dissipate the big screen, a round spar condensed from bamboo and floated towards him and crashed into his own small screen.
This scene of Baishi is no stranger.
But one thing is different-there is another crystal floating from the direction of the bamboo mother.
There are already some old-fashioned women who sigh but slowly smile with relief. Those wrinkled eyes carved by age are more kind … just like Q assistant holding a small wooden horse in her arms when she first came in.
Baishi hesitated for a moment, and wrote a few lines of words slowly without thinking about more screens.
[about to return to reality]
[Countdown to 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
Chapter 7 What line of business does your family have no industry?
The virtual world is not controlled by Baishi, and it is usually not controlled by the unified system, but the white stone can be manipulated at will when the stone flower is copied.
Because of the tight time, he added a lot of clips and fast forward.

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清晨,我们来到了杭州著名的西湖龙井茶产地——龙井村。村子依山傍水,茶香四溢。在这里,我们参观了龙井茶园,了解了龙井茶的种植、采摘、炒制等工序。看着满山翠绿的茶树,听着炒茶师傅们讲述着茶的故事,大家不禁陶醉在这片茶香中。 午后,我们来到了杭州著名的满觉陇。这里的桂花香气扑鼻,仿佛置身于花海之中。在这里,我们品尝了独具特色的桂花龙井。茶香与花香交织,让人陶醉。大家一边品茶,一边欣赏着满觉陇的美景,享受着这难得的悠闲时光。 晚上,我们来到了杭州著名的茶馆——楼外楼。楼外楼历史悠久,是我国著名的茶馆之一。在这里,我们品尝了各种杭州特色美食,如西湖醋鱼、龙井虾仁等。美食搭配着香茗,让人回味无穷。 第二天,我们来到了杭州的另一个茶乡——径山。径山茶历史悠久,被誉为“茶中之王”。在这里,我们参观了径山茶园,了解了径山茶的种植、采摘、炒制等工序。我们还品尝了正宗的径山茶,品味其独特的口感。 第三天,我们来到了杭州的茶瓷文化博物馆。在这里,我们了解了杭州茶瓷的历史、制作工艺以及茶文化的发展。我们还亲手体验了茶艺表演,感受了茶文化的魅力。 此次杭州团建茶餐之旅,让我们在繁忙的工作之余,放松了身心,增进了同事之间的感情。同时,我们还领略了杭州的茶文化,了解了茶的历史与魅力。这次团建活动,不仅让我们感受到了杭州的美丽风光,更让我们深刻体会到了茶文化的博大精深。 总之,杭州团建茶餐之旅是一次难忘的体验。在这里,我们品味了茶的美妙,领略了杭州的美丽风光,增进了同事之间的感情。相信这次团建活动将成为我们心中永恒的美好回忆。

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走进杭州的茶馆,仿佛穿越时空,回到了那个悠闲的年代。在这里,你可以放下繁忙的工作,抛却生活的烦恼,尽情地享受这份宁静与惬意。茶馆的布局古朴典雅,窗明几净,让人瞬间忘却尘世的喧嚣。 欢喜茶馆位于凤凰山路,这里环境幽静,景色宜人。走进茶馆,白色墙、黑色瓦,红色的“欢喜茶馆”四个大字在静谧的夜晚格外耀眼。小石路边花草树木、小竹林,从小竹筒里流水入石坛,清脆的水声伴随着悠扬的琴声,仿佛置身于世外桃源。 一时茶馆则位于灵隐寺旁,这里曾是清朝光绪年间的老宅院,黛瓦白墙,浓浓的岁月古韵。古井、青石砖、竹影海棠窗,中式庭院与日式空间的搭配,十分幽静雅致。在这里,你可以感受大隐隐于市的宁静,也可以聆听寺庙里僧人的诵经声。 杭州的茶馆不仅环境优美,茶艺更是独具特色。福泉茶院位于永福寺内,这里的龙井茶采摘自寺庙自有茶园,有着上千年的历史。每当清明茶季,僧人们都会亲自采摘嫩芽,炒制龙井。在这里,你可以品尝到沾了佛寺仙气的茶香。 除了福泉茶院,杭州还有许多特色茶馆,如太极茶道苑、水丹青、满江红等。太极茶道苑以拼配茶最为特色,水丹青则以其高山绿茶闻名,满江红则以红茶为主,搭配各种茶叶,味道独特。 在杭州的茶馆里,你还可以品尝到各种美食。欢喜茶馆的大红袍红烧肉、一时茶馆的僧人种龙井、福泉茶院的茶点,都是不可错过的美味。在品茗的同时,感受美食的诱惑,让人流连忘返。 杭州的茶馆,是这座城市的文化名片,是人们休闲时光的港湾。在这里,你可以与好友畅谈人生,也可以独自品味茶香,感受岁月静好。当你漫步在杭州的街头,不妨走进一家茶馆,体验这份独特的休闲时光。

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河畔的茶馆,或依水而建,或藏于绿荫深处,每一家都散发着独特的韵味。步入其中,仿佛穿越时空,回到了那个茶香四溢的年代。木质结构的门楣,青砖小瓦的屋顶,斑驳的木门,无不透露出古朴的气息。室内,布置简约而精致,茶具摆放整齐,壶煮茶香,杯盏轻敲,宛如一曲优美的乐章。 品茗时光,从泡茶开始。茶艺师手法娴熟,将一壶清水煮沸,注入茶壶,茶叶在水中翻腾,渐渐舒展开来,散发出诱人的香气。此时,品茗者们围坐一起,或谈论人生百态,或交流茶艺心得,共享这难得的宁静时光。 品茶,先观其色。好的茶叶,色泽鲜亮,形态各异。如碧螺春的翠绿,龙井茶的嫩黄,普洱茶的深红,都是大自然赐予的瑰宝。接着,闻其香。茶香四溢,沁人心脾,仿佛置身于花海之中。轻呷一口,茶水在舌尖舞动,苦涩中带着甘甜,回味无穷。 杭州的茶叶品种繁多,有西湖龙井、碧螺春、毛尖、毛峰等,每一款都有其独特的风味。其中,西湖龙井最为著名,被誉为“绿茶皇后”。其外形扁平光滑,色泽嫩绿,汤色碧绿,香气清高,滋味鲜爽,叶底嫩绿。在品茗时光里,泡上一杯龙井茶,仿佛置身于春天的西湖,欣赏着美丽的湖光山色。 品茗时光,不仅仅是品尝茶叶的美味,更是一种生活的态度。在这个快节奏的时代,人们常常忽略了生活中的美好。而在茶馆里,我们可以放慢脚步,静下心来,感受生活的点滴。茶香氤氲,心灵得以净化,烦恼随风而去。 杭州河畔的品茗时光,让人流连忘返。在这片充满诗意的土地上,茶与生活交织,诠释着一种和谐、宁静的生活态度。让我们放下世俗的纷扰,回归自然,感受茶的魅力,享受这美好的时光。

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